Sunday, 1 April 2018

Creating a vision board

A mentor recently suggested it was time for me to create a vision board, outlining what my soul needs and what my wants are. I have had vision boards in the past but don’t have one currently. So I started on this process:

  • Create or buy a vision board. I managed to buy one from a local stationery store along with some nice affirmation cards and pretty pins, string and pegs
  • Start cutting out words and images from magazines. I started cutting out images but found I had numerous images of beautiful velvet lounge suites and sweet rich coloured wallpaper.
So I started again. I thought about the following questions:
  • What is it in life that makes me feel I want to jump out of bed in the morning, and that makes me feel that I can’t wait to get up?
  • What is the dream that I don’t want to give up on?
  • What makes a life a good life?
  • What are my passions (and I found a cool Oprah exercise to explore that)?
What I found most interesting is that even though there were themes to the answers to these questions, the answers to these questions were numerous and widespread – too much for one vision board.
So I started with more apparently simple questions:
  • What are my needs?
  • What are my wants?
  • What does my soul need?
Again, I gathered a lot more information.

Crystallising the essence

Then I had a couple of weeks between contracts and started thinking more about is worth devoting my life to (previous blog post). A friend Jan also posted this quote which I resonate with.
 “The most satisfying project you will ever undertake—and a mark of a complete human being—is to discover how to build a sense of happiness that no one can take away from you, because you have taken total responsibility for it.” — Deepak Chopra
I found my overarching theme – stability, security, balance and health – basically self-mastery.
From there, I started putting my vision board together with elements of everything that helps me achieve that. It now has images and words that reflect the one main theme of my life. Here it is:
X Andrea

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